Nutrition Education

Nutrition counseling & education for our clients & the nutritionally vulnerable within our community.

Nutrition Care

Community Servings believes that food is powerful medicine. It has the ability to heal not just the sick, but the loved ones who care for them.

We provide made-from-scratch meals that are:

  • Cooked using healthy fats and minimal added salt
  • Provide adequate calories and protein to support health during illness & healing
  • Evocative of warm memories and feelings of comfort
  • Culturally appropriate
  • Designed to provide 50-67% of daily nutrition
  • Tailored to meet the medical and nutritional needs of each client

Our registered dietitians offer our clients a range of nutrition care services, beginning with a comprehensive nutrition screening and assessment for all new clients. If needed, our dietitians will develop an individualized care plan, which include goals and objectives such as:

  • Nutritional management of side effects from medication or treatment
  • Weight management
  • Nutritional guidance for medical conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, etc.
  • Ways to increase calories and protein when appetite is poor
  • Identifying special diet needs, such as diabetic, renal, low fiber, or low vitamin K

Community Recipes

Recipe 911

use in the case of emergency

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Nutrition Education

Community Servings offers nutrition education for individuals in the community who are nutritionally vulnerable and for clients who are no longer in need of our delivered meals.

Led by our nutrition team, these classes are intended to teach clients how to maintain and improve their health through the food choices they make and techniques they use to prepare food at home.

We are committed to providing nutrition education services for community members and partners. Presentations and workshops may be conducted at our facility in Jamaica Plain or in other communities.

Presentation topics include:

  • Nutrition 101
  • Therapeutic Meal Planning for Hypertension, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, and Heart Disease
  • Heart Health
  • Diabetes Prevention and Management
  • Healthy Eating on a Limited Budget
  • Breast Cancer & Nutrition
  • Family Nutrition
  • Farm to Fork: Cooking with Seasonal Produce
  • Train-the-Trainer Nutrition Ambassadors Series

Interested in arranging a workshop? Contact us.

Get Involved

Prepare and package meals in our kitchen, deliver meals to our clients, or assist with our special events. You’ll join a community of caring folks who come together to serve others in the community.

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Get Involved

Prepare and package meals in our kitchen, deliver meals to our clients, or assist with our special events. You’ll join a community of caring folks who come together to serve others in the community.

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Community servings pie in the sky season is open!

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