Monthly Meal Maker

Become a Monthly Meal Maker today and join a dedicated group of donors who make automated monthly gifts to Community Servings through a credit or debit card.

By reducing the number of fundraising mailings we send, you’ll also help Community Servings direct even more of your support directly to programs.

As a Monthly Meal Maker, you will receive Community Servings’ Partner Update two times each year to stay informed of the programs and initiatives your generosity helps to support.


“When I unpacked my first delivery of meals, I just sat and cried. I was so moved by this much care, generosity & kindness.”
– Community Servings Client

Our Monthly Meal Makers

Our Monthly Meal Makers generously commit to providing a monthly gift to Community Servings.
Community Servings is deeply grateful to these individuals and families for their dedication and inspiration.

Anonymous (5)

Pattie Berger

Jerry Bernhard

Arlene Bernstein

Ilene Bezahler

Amy Bisson

Susan Bollinger

Paula Brody

John and Rachel Burckardt

Patricia Caldwell and Richard Connolly

Stefanie Callaghan

Lyn Camire

Barbara and Carlos Cevallos

Sally Cheek and Linda Lesyna

Julian Chu

Francis Cogliano

Catherine Collier and Matthew Schreiber

Liza Connelly and Paul Toomey

Maureen Conroy

Denise Consolo

Carol Cosenza

Lee Doron

Barb Dougan

Paul Durda

Joseph Dyer

Norman Edgerton

Robert Ellington

Sonja Enstad

John Ferguson

Elizabeth Fried

Liora Gates

David Glowka

Alise Gobron

Susan Goldhor & Aron Bernstein

In memory of Robert Gosnell

Christine Graham and Claudio Oliveira

Philip Griffiths

James Haber

Frances Harris

Jaime Hart

Mary Haskell

Irene Herman

Frank Hill and Cynthia First

Katherine Holleran

Mary U. Hosmer Fanucci

Gavin Hourihan

Beth Hudde

Rosanne Iacono

Lisa Johnson

Kerry Jordan

Jennifer Karnakis

Anne Kaufman and Richard Youngstrom

John Keller

Drs. Anna and Peter Kolchinsky

Charles Krebs

Nancy Kummer

Hebert Labbate

Jeannette Lamberti

Kaija Langley and Lasita Foley

John Lawler

Janet Lawn

Ellen Fulham Lopez

Jeanne Lovy

Karen Martin

James Masek

Wiley McCarthy

Margaret McCauley

Gabrielle McClain

Heidi Merlin

Joyce Rockwell Michaelidis

Mary Miratrix

In memory of Betty Movelle

Bebe Nixon

Tom Nolan

Webster O’Brien

Marcia Oliver

Lucinda O’Neil

Helen Onthank

Valerie Osiecki

Joanne Peckarsky

Michael Pillemer

Greg Price

Charles Rizzotto

Kurt Sebastian

Joshua and Sandra Shapiro

Mitchell Siegel

Mrs. Julie E. Smith

Noelle Sneider

Andrea Stefan

Janet Stokes

Alyse N. Stolting, MD

Paul Sullivan

Hal Tepfer

Carolyn Tobey

Karen Toney

Christopher Trainor

Stephen Truslow

Charles Tuomi

Suzanne Villee

Edward Walsh

David Waters

Sanford Wilder

Charles Woglom

Davide Zaccagnini

Linda and Jerry Zindler

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Community servings pie in the sky season is open!

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