Community Servings’ client, Liyanage, understands the healing power of healthy meals. When Liyanage, age 67, first received our meals in 2010, he had End Stage Kidney Disease and was on dialysis. Since then, each week Community Servings has delivered beautiful meals that are customized to fit his nutritional and medical needs. Thanks in part to his improved diet, in October 2015, he was healthy enough to undergo a life-saving kidney transplant.

“They brought me meals, meals, meals, and more meals. They took care of me completely for eight years,” he said in a recent interview with NECN.
After his transplant, Liyanage’s potassium levels increased due to the transplant medication, but he wanted to add milk to his diet. Our dietitians prescribed a diabetic diet with a ‘no citrus restriction’, which limits the amount of potassium-rich foods like citrus and tomatoes. A dietetic diet, compared to his previous renal diet, also gives him more food variety and helps him better manage his diabetes.
“I have so much more energy and vigor since getting more food variety in my meals: I love the soups and milk! I feel the difference – the strength. Thank you so much for your help. I feel so blessed to have found you,” said Liyanage.